How often do news articles concerning domestic violence and child abuse now appear with a link to some kind of agency to help victims cope with mental health issues? Usually Lifeline and Beyond Blue. And how often do we see articles concerning Rosie Batty and the Luke Batty Foundation, both of which appear to be focussed on women in harm’s way despite the fact that Luke was a child murdered by his father? How often do we see politicians and the media speaking passionately about helping the victims of inhuman crimes?

Yet there are few articles on just how little help a victim receives. How little help they get when they do as instructed and come forward to make a report. How too often they are turned away and subjected to brutal treatment at the hands of those who are supposed to help them. Indifference. Apathy. Negligence. Idleness. Incompetence. Insensitivity. Mockery. Insults. Unfounded and defamatory accusations. Intimidation. And where do the victims go when the authorities treat them this way?

How is it possible that this kind of sick and demented behaviour can continue in a society where there are countless inquests into the few extreme incidents of systemic failure that manage to make it into the public arena? How is it that those same systemic failures continue and repeat, over and over despite all of the recommendations and promises to implement positive change? How is it that politicians, police, public servants, reporters and abusers are so Teflon-coated they are never held to account or penalised?

Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Robert Hughs, and probably Michael Jackson too. All linked into the media and enabled. The horrors of what they did concealed. Their victims isolated and silenced. The Churches enjoyed the same thing until the government turned on them with a long-overdue, well-deserved, yet hypocritical Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse. But the Terms of Reference limited it to sexual abuse, and prevented any investigation into the failures of the police and public services.

Who sent all the children to the Church run orphanages? Where was the oversight? Why is it that Peter Fox was slandered, defamed and depicted as a liar for daring to expose the corruption that led to police actually concealing and enabling the abuses in the Church? When the police finally admitted that they’d fucked up, that they were actually complicit, where was the apology to Fox? Where was the penalty for their lies and corruption? Where are the prosecutions there? Where is the effort to contact all the victims and finally let them speak? Why are those victims still forced to remain silent?

Less than a week before Australia Day of 2013, The Courier-Mail published an article in their Agenda section titled Generation Grey designed to make older men feel good about their predatory behaviour. It was written by a journalist named Jorden Baker, a man who clearly never bothered to check his facts and demonstrated all the integrity of a paper submarine with an on-board fire. He certainly never responded to the email that exposed his content as utter bullshit supporting a predator. Neither did his editor.

The piece covered three pages. The first one was an enormous, full-page picture of the predator with his most recent child, a daughter. The article spoke of parents having children later in life. The predator, “59, has experienced both ends of this spectrum. His eldest son, who he fathered at 19, is 40; his daughter Charlotte is three.” It failed to mention he had at least two other sons born to two different mothers, with unconfirmed rumours of at least two more because he refused to tell his children about them.

“I was very young the first time around, so all the stress and pressure seemed considerably greater than they probably were,” the predator was quoted as saying. It failed to mention he had spent those years abusing the various women he seduced and used. It failed to mention that he was a corrupt cop eventually dismissed from service after complaints were made about his behaviour toward young women. It failed to mention the reality of what he was during the following four decades.

In his earlier years he was a drunkard who would return after shifts or week-long trips as a salesman to get his various female companions to do his laundry and service him as he inflicted brutal and unrelenting acts of domestic violence. It failed to mention that he was a child abusing arsehole than never remembered his children at Christmas or birthdays, never paid child support despite boasting of an income in the six-figures for most of his life, or that he continued to mock, bully, intimidate, blame, manipulate, and seek to control his victims when they tried to get answers. 

“You tend to miss out on some of the good things, the fun times. Now I can put it into a different perspective. I still do everything a young man does, except play football.” It failed to mention that he was never really there for his kids at all. He once took his eldest two boys to visit his parents, then his sister. How he took them and one of his nieces to a movie with another one of his many, many female companions. Then he went off the plan, took the boys across State lines, dumped them with another one of his sisters before he vanished and never reappeared for over a year. Nobody spoke about what he’d done.

It failed to mention that he never bothered to spend time with his third son at all. Or that he blamed all his children for the physical and psychological abuses he, their mothers and step-fathers had heaped upon them. That he mocked them for their suffering. That he refused to tell them who his other children were. That he denied having a third son at all, then lied about what his name was and who the boy’s mother was when he was caught out. That his younger brother and youngest sister both lied to support him in his cover-up, and also helped bully his children and victims into silence. 

It failed to mention his suspicious behaviour toward his nieces, how much time he had spent with them when they were children, or how psychologically scarred they were by what he’d done. They all left home at seventeen. One never returned or spoke to her parents again. The next married a 26-year-old Baptist Minister at 17 to escape. Another became a lesbian and swore to never have children. A fourth also swore she’d never have children, or ever marry.

It failed to mention how many young women he had used over the years, often dating several at the same time. That the mother of his latest child was twenty-five years his junior. Younger than those three sons that he was known to have fathered. Younger than the four nieces he referred to as “special” and was suspected of having abused. That they had started dating when she was just 19 and he was 45. How he’d been running a secretarial service at the time for the express purpose of seducing and using young women.

It failed to mention that his sudden change of behaviour and settling down coincided with his parents getting very old. How his marriage helped heal the rift between him and his parents. How the use of IVF, without any background check, allowed him to produce a daughter he named after his father’s only sibling who had died in his first year of life. How all this helped him change their Will and cut out the only surviving good child, the son who had worked by his father’s side for decades, a captain in the CFA, a good man.

It failed to mention how he had used his younger brother and youngest sister to bully the other siblings into submission with lawyers, an act of such vindictiveness it killed his older brother just six months after the passing of their mother. It didn’t use the photo of his daughter, cowering behind her mother, looking at her father with an expression of fear and terror. Read the 58-page Timeline of Abuse from one of his victims and you will be as shocked by what was inflicted as you are stunned by the efforts of the police to cover it all up rather than investigate. It didn’t mention any of this because the Courier-Mail had an agenda, just like the predator they enabled.

Their agenda is to profit from the news they report, from the stories they tell. It’s no different to Facebook or any other company seeking to maximise their profits by reducing the lives of others to commodities. It is only possible because governments refuse to regulate these businesses, and when they are caught out the half-arsed inquests and commissions are designed to placate an angry public but conceal the full-extent of systemic failure and corruption. It is not enough to promise change on condition of re-election, or promise the implementation of the same flawed ‘corrective measures’ that have previously failed.

In the case of that article, the predator featured runs a business providing parenting advice, claiming to be a devoted father, husband, and Christian. It provides him access to young women and children, and has a name that translates into what means “escaping family commitments”, a subtle barb to mock his victims. It is no different to any of the other scams he had run over the years to defraud victims of their money and or subject them to sexual assaults and psychological torment of various forms. He used those idiots at the Courier-Mail to promote himself.

He also used it as an opportunity to further mock and bully that eldest son he mention. A few months earlier, that son had contacted him after fifteen years of silence. That son had a wife and children of his own. He wanted to know who he was related to so as to avoid any potential inbreeding issues in the future. What his father sent in reply was as chilling as it was disturbing, a letter filled with threats and boasts about defaming him to that son’s grandparents, on both sides of the family, of how he had been failing to pass on property and gifts to that son, stealing from them and his own son, and so abusive it sent that son into another bout of depression. The article was further mockery.

The Courier-Mail never responded to the letter of that son asking that they tell the truth. They never did anything to correct what they had done. They had an agenda. They wanted to sell papers. Their target demographic was older people, including predators just like the one in the article. They sold stories. Fiction that mollified and enabled a complicit market. The suffering of those victims, now their own victims too, was of no concern to them, only profits.

They’ve been doing it for years. They cover a story about child abuse or domestic violence that actually catches their attention, not for their moral outrage, but because of the marketability. They do the math. They calculate how much effort is required for research, then compare the profit-cost comparison and follow the ones that provide the most personal gain. They badger politicians who respond with all the right sounds, an impassioned rhetoric expressing horror and a desire to correct wrongs. But in the end…

… nothing. That son wrote to dozens of politicians who had pleaded with victims to come forward, to report the child abuse and domestic violence, to speak up and expose the predators so justice could be done. That son wrote to them to reveal just what happens to a victim that seeks help. He wrote of his experiences at the hands of the so-called police and public servants who were supposed to help. And in response… they ignored him and never replied, or they responded with the very behaviour he had revealed.


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