The news about police corruption has moved off the front pages, buried by the media’s sick interest in what can only be considered the extreme depravity of people who should be exterminated for the good of society. The ‘Cole’ family and their incestuous acts of unrelenting paedophilia became a commodity simply because of the sensationalism of the horrific story. As one reporter mentioned, there are many, many other stories of similar child abuse that will never be told.

And that, right there, appears to be part of the problem. Not just authorities claiming they only have a limited funding to investigate and act on all the complaints they receive, but that authorities, and people in the general public, have adopted some kind of perverse grading system. They decide, too often without even bothering to listen to a victim or look at any evidence, that some victims don’t really count because what they speak about isn’t as bad as what someone else has suffered. Or that a victim doesn’t deserve the same presumption of innocence that is awarded to the accused, that the victim is a liar because they do not have enough evidence.

The fact that the abusers rarely, if ever, allow a victim to investigate and document the abuse being inflicted doesn’t seem to interest the authorities, or even that a victim (usually children) are unaware of the intricacies of the law, that this is a requirement in order to trigger an investigation at all. And when a victim can’t provide that ‘evidence’, they are told in flowery policy driven sound-bites, but in no uncertain terms, to (what translates as) “fuck off and get over it.” In some cases, they dispense with the politically correct lingo altogether.

And celebrities, politicians and other agencies that claim they’re there to help? They’re just as bad. Hetty Johnston, Rosey Batty, Ken Lay, and too many others who claim to represent victims have, by their very own circumstances, insulated themselves not only from reality, but from any meaningful contact or means to help victims at all. In too many instances, it looks more like they are only interested in their own personal agendas, to get justice for themselves, or simply for narcissistic self-promotion. Perhaps it’s time for society to be shocked into action through over-whelming horror.

I’m not talking about the kind of shock triggered by the media recognising the sensationalism of some hill-billy half-wits raping and sodomising their own children and grandchildren to the point of breeding inbred brother-sister-uncle-cousin-parents. While that is extremely upsetting and disturbing, and yet another example of the failure of authorities to act, I’m referring to all forms of domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, and other crimes that inflict harm and cause suffering but don’t get told.

The ‘Cole’ incidents are not the only example where the authorities have been aware of predation and brutality inflicted on children but have done nothing… for years. How many children have suffered as a result of that? How many have suffered needlessly while authorities ignore them or collect evidence to prosecute the abusers? How many have been so broken and lost that they have survived by assimilating the same vile personalities and behaviours, their small minds unable to survive let alone develop into something even remotely normal or sane?

When Charlie Colt was accused of the crimes that DNA evidence has demonstrated are true, and others from the very mouths of those victims, he protested his innocence. He said the allegations were “disgusting.” “Disgusting”? Is there some kind of ‘word of the week’ for predators? That’s the same thing Trump has said as his sick, twisted, extra-marital, borderline incestuous, morally bankrupt sexual escapades are being exposed by FBI investigations. The responses of predators are always the same.

They begin with indignant denials, then try to defame and discredit the victims, or even investigators and the investigation. They will even attempt to intimidate those victims and investigators, and obstruct the investigation. The whole time, the predator will claim to be virtuous, the exact opposite of what they are, something they most definitely are not, and call on others to support them against an ‘evil’ justice system or liars making false allegations in an act of malicious projection, surrounding themselves with like-minded predators and half-wits who all happily troll the victims.

Then, when finally caught out, they blame their victims. Worse, they will claim that they are the real victims in the whole vile situation. Then, when that fails, they claim to be remorseful, pleading for mercy they never showed their victims, despite years, even decades, of doing what they did and everything they could to get away with it… so they could keep doing it. In case you missed it, the quoted comment from ‘Charlie Cole’ (whose identity is protected so the public have no warning of the danger that predator presents) made in his defence didn’t mention “that nine-year-old” victim by name.

That’s called disassociation. It’s used by predators to dehumanise their victims. The fact that this liar is even allowed to say what he has, have in published so he can be heard, and claim to be “disappointed in the justice system” when around 85-90% of victims never even get to see their abusers prosecuted (or even charged or investigated, and are not allowed to speak about what they are forced to suffer in silence), is a further indignity, one more injustice heaped upon them by complicit authorities.

It is also worth noting that opponents of the foster care system insist that it be abolished, and that children be left with their families. Given the situation with the Colt family, and the claims by those predators about being the victims of injustice, it makes you wonder what secrets those opponents are hiding. Yes, some may be innocent of the allegations, but what of the risk they are not? Many abusers will never admit they have a problem, desperate to maintain that sick lifestyle.

Then again, Tealeigh Palmer was brutally murdered by her foster-father after he discovered one of his sons was having sex with the twelve-year-old. Instead of doing something about the fact that his son was a paedophile abusing a child in the care of the family, he enabled the vile behaviour and concealed it through an act that demonstrated he and his family should never have been given access to children, and an act that revealed exactly where his son’s twisted personality came from: he murdered the girl.

It is also worth noting that in the case of the Colt family, more than a dozen ‘at risk of harm’ reports had been made about them in the previous twelve months – an average of one-a-month – and yet only minimal action had been taken. Minimal action, we can safely assume, means ‘no action’. The children were left in that hell-hole for a further year and subjected to horrific abuse that will shape and scar them for the rest of their lives… and victims of abuse receive ‘minimal action’ to help them recover as they struggle through life, forced to remain silent by the very authorities that refuse to help them.

Clearly, something needs to change. Year after year, decade after decade, the media reports on just one or two incidents so shocking the sensationalism makes it a commodity of value worth publishing. There are inquests and reviews, on those tiny percentage of a much larger problem, and recommendations are made and ignored even as the authorities claim they are implemented. In reality, nothing changes. The victims are still forced to suffer in silence and the same systemic failures continue unabated.

How many victims are cast aside, even if their abusers are prosecuted, and left to suffer in silence by the very authorities that are supposed to help them? How many tax-payer dollars are wasted incarcerating scum that should be executed for crimes against humanity?  How many tax-payer dollars are wasted on employing predators who conceal and enable like-minded filth by inflicting themselves on the victims in order to isolate and silence them? No wonder our society is so seriously, catastrophically fucked up.

Perhaps it’s time for someone who has a real interest in affecting positive change to let victims really have a voice, to post their ‘stories’ on a site with some kind of tally-board to display the number of them as well as a means to view the content. Maybe even a link from each to the action the authorities have taken. Obviously, the law prevents victims from naming the offenders, but perhaps there could be some kind of secure link that allows the offenders to be named where the general public cannot view them, but which an automated system can use to link individuals stories identifying the same offenders.

Perhaps, for those who are murdered or lack the courage to share their own stories, reporters from the media could post stories, even those that never get published, that could also be linked in the same way to identify repeat offenders. Perhaps stories reporting repeat offenders could then be red-flagged for an independent oversight agency to pass on to the authorities and followed to ensure investigations are undertaken, offenders prosecuted, and victims helped. The potential for sensationalism (and therefore profit) could provide the media with an incentive to actually report on more of these.

What we do know, at the moment, is that too many victims are forced to suffer in silence. They are not allowed to speak. The good people who serve in the ranks of the authorities are unable to help all of the victims, forced by flawed laws and limited funding to choose only the most likely cases to result in a conviction, or focus on stories that make the news to maintain at least the illusion of justice. The rest of those authorities are no different to predators, inflicting themselves on the victims.

It’s hardly surprising when we hear of police corruption, even at the highest ranks, when the community not only tolerates trolls (despite the rhetoric and vocal anger at their vile behaviour) but enables what can only be considered evil acts. Victim blaming. Defamation. Intimidation. Mockery. Insults. The same trolls in social media, their minds warped by illegal narcotics or some kind of unassisted narcissistic or psychotic personality disorder, manage to find work in the police and public services, manipulating and bullying others into submission or unemployment as they gravitate to senior positions.

Why doesn’t IBAC, the CMC, or some other so-called anti-corruption agency root them out, prosecute or fire them? Because those agencies are just as corrupted. The rot can even be found in the Legal System, and in the Family Court in particular. We’ve known about the problems there for decades, yet nothing has changed. Judges who are sympathisers with so-called Men’s Rights groups that are all about forcing misogynistic domestic violence on women and children, in a manner little different to extremist Islamic or ‘Christian’ ideologies, and just as morally and ethically bankrupt and reprehensible.

Why don’t our political representatives respond to letters from the public pleading with them to take action, to help the victims, to represent those who have been denied justice and, instead, subjected to Human Rights violations? Because our so-called political representatives do not represent the people they claim to represent. They represent big business or Union interests, and Unions do not represent their members either, not as individuals at any rate.

You don’t have to go far to see just how rotten our government is when there are so many examples of the very same toxic culture in the police and public services. Victoria’s Deputy Police Commissioner Brett Guerin was a troll using a fake identity to cyber-bully people on social media and use his position to heap further hell on victims of crime trying to report it. IBAC covering up crimes and failure. Child Safety Services leaving kids in hell where they are starved, tortured, raped, and murdered or left as lost, broken human wreckage as they try to find a way to be normal in an indifferent, equally abusive society.



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